Goodbye Tai

When dogs go to heaven, They don't need wings
Because God knows that Dogs love running best.
He gives them fields. Fields and fields and fields.
When a dog first arrives in heaven, he just runs.
Dog heaven has clear, wide lakes
Filled with geese who honk and flap
And tease. The dogs love this.
They run beside the water and bark
And bark and God watches them
From behind a tree and smiles.
Older and TriPawd and feeling a little sore
Hi everyone
It has been a while.
I think Tai has been feeling pain. She often has to shift position to get comfortable or will sit up and look at me. I will get down and rub her back and leg, which she seems to like. I try not to let my worry show.
It is hard to believe she has been a TriPawd for 18 months! She will be 16 this year. Her cataracts are a bit more advanced – she will occasionally shy away from my hand or the harness – and I think some of the discomfort is from age. She is on Rimadyl and Gabapentin.
Last weekend we stayed at my sister’s and had a great time. My niece was there with her two small children and they were great with her. We took Tai’s bed outside and she snoozed all day, surrounded by voices and activity. My niece’s 6 year old daughter told me “I wish Tai had her leg, it makes me sad” and I told her that Tai wasn’t sad and didn’t even really know it was gone, that Tai was happy being around everyone and was happy to have snacks and car rides.
As long as all of that is still true, we’ll do what we do. She is shifting position, I’m going to sit and rub her back. Thank you all for listening, I know you all understand.
Still hopping
Tai and I are still hanging in there. I had two scares – she was drinking excessively and peeing excessively so off to the vet; urine and other tests revealed……..old age! I was worried about kidney failure so that was a relief. She is also getting some bumps on her body; diagnosis……old age with the caveat to bring her in if any change size or become squishy. They are pretty small, don’t appear to bother her and no changes so far.
She does occasionally get uncomfortable at night and a 1/4 melatonin helps with that (she is on carprofen and gabapentin). Since she doesn’t do well in the heat she’s enjoying the winter. We had a walk at the park today and I carried her back to the car.
As I’ve read on here is common with TriPawds, she thinks she can go forever and I have to make sure she paces herself.
She still hates the camera; no good ones today so here is her calendar girl picture taken in October.
One year ampuversary
It is hard for me to believe that it has been a year. Tai of course just keeps on doing her thing. She seems more happy to just ride in the car (especially if we go to a drive thru) than to get out at the park nowadays, but we try. Of course I worry about everything – is she not sleeping enough, too much, why is she shaking her head? but she is not impressed with my worrying. We had a good park trip though I ended up carrying her a bit because I forgot that the trail had a decent hill; so I’m getting good exercise too.
Here she is hot on the trail of an interesting smell –
I am desperately trying to get a pic for the calendar and she refuses to look at the camera.
Thanks so much to TriPawds for keeping me sane throughout our journey 🙂
10 months – wow!
Hi everyone – Tai again. So mom says that this week I had a 10 month ampuversary, whatever that is? She was kind of excited. She also says I have a birthday coming up, number 15 and that age is just a number. I did hear about a Puppacino on my birthday, which is great, but I should get one every day, don’t you think? I do.
So I am OK. I don’t like when Mom is out of the house still but I get a special treat when she comes home. I do go to work, which I like sometimes, because everyone talks to me. Really though we should just stay home together all the time or go for rides in the car, to the park or my aunt’s house. Work makes me tired. See me here?
Mom says I’m being a brat, I just want things the way I want them. I really don’t see a problem with that.
We did go to the park today. I was very excited and then got very tired. It was hot too.
It’s actually time for bed and I keep looking at Mom but she is not making eye contact. When will she learn? I will just have to live with her.