Archive for July, 2017
Summer’s here and we’re not loving it :)
Neither one of us likes the heat so trips to the park are at a minimum. We did get a great breezy day –
One thing I’ve noticed is Tai’s complete behavioral change WRT to fireworks and thunder. She used to be terrified of both and would sit next to me, shaking uncontrollably and wouldn’t stop unless she was wedged between me and the chair. Since her surgery (and this is was her first 4th of July post-surgery, though we’ve had a few thunderstorms) she is totally unconcerned. She may lift her head and listen, but that’s it. I’m happy about this for her but wonder if anyone else had something similar happen?
We had a great morning at the farmer’s market, and even though she did a huge poop BEFORE going, she did another one while walking around! What manners 😀 luckily I was prepared.
She is snoozing now with her head hanging off her bed, which is a position she likes though she has rolled off of the bed a couple of times. We’re fully carpeted but she always looks at me like it is my fault, LOL. If I see her tilting, I try to gently wake and move her and that’s my fault as well. This is the bed she has rolled off of.
Happy Saturday all!