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Older and TriPawd

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Archive for March, 2017

What a time I’ve had!

with 6 comments

Hi everyone!  Tai again.  We’ve been busy, which is OK but only sometimes.

So Mom says she had her knee fixed.  We had to get up very early one day and I had to take my walk in the DARK and how can I be expected to poop and pee when it is DARK outside?  I did not like that, and then Mom was out of the house for a bit but Lisa came over which was nice.

Downstairs this…thing got flat, I decided it was mine! Then it went away.  Mom says we have to sleep upstairs again!  I am having trouble doing the stairs at home because it has been a while.  I can go up the stairs at work though.

Then this morning we went in the car.  I was happy at first but then I looked out the window and it didn’t look right.  I got very suspicious. OK, I got worried and was shaking a LOT.  We were going to see Dr. D, who tries to be nice but I was very scared.

Mom talks about how I get tired and asked Dr. D for an x-ray, which I didn’t like.  They told Mom that I was a lot to handle but I am not even 20lbs so I don’t know??  All I know is that Mom was VERY HAPPY after the x-ray because Dr D showed her something and said that there are no spots in my lungs.   Of course not, I just get a little tired because I am older and work a little harder.  Mom was worried but she is happy now 😀

Then we went to work.  Did I mention that I can go up the stairs at work (much faster than Mom). I was pretty tired, it is a lot of work to be scared.

After working all day, I’m still up for playing!!  After supper, of course.


Written by traceym

March 23rd, 2017 at 11:17 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

We are hanging around!

with 2 comments

Mom had her knee surgery – yay!  This means she will be home A LOT since she has time off work!  My auntie offered to have me come over and stay with them but since the doc told Mom to keep walking, she says I stay home too.  I mean, I like going to my aunt’s, but home is always better.

I like going to work too, but like Mom will enjoy some time off.  I mean, here is Briskly AGAIN wanting to play.  Work is for sleeping, I say.


Written by traceym

March 4th, 2017 at 3:33 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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