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Archive for January, 2017

Am I worrying too much?

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Very possible, I am a chronic worrier.

Tai is eating fine and still happy.  My worry is because she seems to get out of breath more quickly the last week or so.  She is not walking quite as far as usual for our daily potty walks, though she is excited to go out.  She is not playing chase the toy for as long either.

Today we went to the park and she did want to go for a longer walk – we were out about 30 min, which is a long time and I knew she was tired.  So since SHE wanted to keep going, I felt better, and there was no shortness of breath.   She did find a lot of admirers, who were impressed (rather than pitying) about her TriPawd status – this is because she has such a good attitude and keeps going!

I wonder if my physical issue (still a bum knee) is reflecting on her somehow?  She went to PT on Thursday and did well, though she’s still not happy to do at-home exercises.

Sorry for the rambling…I don’t want to overdo it with her and have a lot on my mind.  Any suggestions to keep her engaged if she’s not into chasing her toy?  I worry that she is bored.

Don’t mind my dirty face 🙂

Written by traceym

January 29th, 2017 at 9:49 pm

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Yay! look what we got from the TriPawd Etsy store – love it, Rene sent it in a little bag with an extra treat and a note.  Tai will proudly be wearing her new tag now.

No post is complete with a pic of Miss Tai herself – here she is at work, obviously working very hard!

Written by traceym

January 18th, 2017 at 12:09 am

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Ha fooled you – Tai here!  Mom tried to get a picture of me in the snow, or with snow on my face, but I keep turning my head because I don’t like my picture taken!  We have lots of snow – what’s a foot?? – here and Mom was whining, er complaining about shoveling or something and I wanted to walk through the snow anyway!  I like it because Mom said I worked very hard today and so don’t have to do at home PT, which we did the other day and I don’t like (even though I get treats after).  I mean, I give Mom the best ANGRY stare I can, what else can I do??  This was the best Mom could do for a picture.

Written by traceym

January 8th, 2017 at 9:16 pm

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Happy New Year!

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Beautiful day, we went for a little hop-n-hobble at the park today (Tai hops, I hobble).  About 20 min and we were both done but glad we got out. Happy New Year to all – hope the new year brings happiness and health for everyone, however many legs you have.

Here she is in her car seat 😀

Written by traceym

January 1st, 2017 at 7:35 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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