One year ampuversary
It is hard for me to believe that it has been a year. Tai of course just keeps on doing her thing. She seems more happy to just ride in the car (especially if we go to a drive thru) than to get out at the park nowadays, but we try. Of course I worry about everything – is she not sleeping enough, too much, why is she shaking her head? but she is not impressed with my worrying. We had a good park trip though I ended up carrying her a bit because I forgot that the trail had a decent hill; so I’m getting good exercise too.
Here she is hot on the trail of an interesting smell –
I am desperately trying to get a pic for the calendar and she refuses to look at the camera.
Thanks so much to TriPawds for keeping me sane throughout our journey 🙂
HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY ONE YEAR AMPUVERSARY PRECIOUS TIA 🙂 Hard to believe, but you get even cuter with age!!! You truly have to be ine if THE CUTEST TRIPAWDS EVVVVVER!!
I can’t wait to see your calendar photo!! Guessing it’s the second one, right? She looks so adorable in her kittle red harness!
Tia is such an inspiration for any age, but especially for….er….”mature” gals!! She really is very special to us. I just adore her!! 🙂
For your ONE YEAR AMPUVERSARY, not only should you get a drive thru burver, but you shoukd vet an ice cream cone too!! Or at least a Starvucks Puppicinno! 🙂
Love and hugs
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
15 Oct 17 at 4:59 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
Hi Sally!
I was going to use the second pic but took a better one today – the queen actually looked at the camera.
15 Oct 17 at 7:54 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
TAI! Oh my gosh you look sooo good. Super duper HUGE congrats to you sweetie, we are thrilled that you are lovin’ life!!!!
P.S. Red is your color!
16 Oct 17 at 11:11 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>